Monday, May 16, 2011

Let the Celebration Begin

There are 10 days until my graduation. I have 3 projects, 2 papers, 2 finals and one presentation left until I am done with school. Wow. Even though tomorrow is technically the last day of class and Thursday is the first day of finals, the celebrations have already begun and they are doing a decent job at warding off the inevitable bittersweet feeling.

On Friday, the office celebrated the 5 graduating seniors who will be leaving by surprising us with a beautiful cake, a delicious lunch and tear-inducing cards. It was really sweet.

Sunday morning, the chapter held an alumnae ceremony for the 5 of us who will no longer be collegiate members. I have my lovely friend Sara and the entire chapter to thank for a beautiful morning filled with a lot of shared memories, laughter and tears. Being a part of this chapter has meant so much to me, but I know my membership in Alpha Xi Delta is just beginning.

Still ahead: My Journalism & Mass Communications Convocation on May 26th, followed by a road trip down south with some of my best friends and a celebration-filled Memorial Weekend with friends and family in my home town. Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Love you lots!!! I'm glad I got to see you through most this adventure! <3
