Monday, January 31, 2011

I could be a stay at home... person.

I've known a lot of stay at home moms who feel like they have to justify the fact that their job is taking care of their husbands, kids and homes. Well, they don't... especially not with me. I don't have any kids, but I can certainly fill a day at home with all the chores, projects and activities it can handle. I could totally be a stay at home... person.

As evidence for this claim... let's look at today. Today was my first Monday without school or work. Even with no outside commitments, here's how I kept busy all day:

-7:40am. Went to the gym.
-Walked home. Finished an episode of House I started on the elliptical and ate breakfast.
-Took a shower.
-Cleaned off our dresser/make up space. Noticed the hair/make up drawer was a mess.

-Cleaned out the hair/make up drawer.

-Checked my email and blog list.
-Cleaned out the closet. Finally sorted out the suitcase from the wedding and all the clothes that had gathered on top of it.

-Straightened up the bathroom shelves. Refolded the towels.

-Checked my email and blog list.
-Had a snack while watching a few minutes of "The Money Pit".
-Called the IRS. They were not very helpful.
-Dusted the whole apartment.
-Organized the desk area.

-Cleaned the grossest part of any house... the ceiling fan.

-Did the dishes.
-Mailed our rent check.
-Ooops! I stopped for just one second, sat down on the couch and fell asleep for a couple hours. Totally ruins my "stay at home person" productivity experiment. I'm blaming it on Jake because he actually came home for lunch to pick something up and distracted me from my productivity. Shoot.
-Made chocolate chip banana bread.
-Started homework.
-Checked messages for work.
-Made dinner (Ok, it was a Dream Dinner).
-Wrote this blog post.

You see? I can easily fill a day without any work or school. In fact, I still have plenty of things on my list for the rest of my week: Make a meal plan and shopping list. Finalize a bridal shower menu. Decorate for Valentine's Day. Start my fundraising for the Walk Now for Autism.

Guess thats what the rest of the week is for!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tobi for the shout out to all those stay at people, like myself! I know a lot of people don't think much of us, but we are actually quite busy. :)
